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Kamis, 08 Januari 2009



1. High risk of nutrition trouble : less than requirement relates to degradation of oral air mechanism input, anorexia, nausea, improvement of protein metabolism, fat.
Purpose : requirement of nutrition of patient fufilled
Result Criterion :
Patient can digest number of correct calories or nutrient
Stable body weight or addition towards spread usually
Intervention :
Deliberates body weight every day or as according to indication.
Determines diet program and pattern eats patient and compares to expendable food of patient.
Auskultasi intestine noise, log existence of flatulent abdomen pain in bone / stomach, nausea, food puking which has not have time to be digested, maintains situation of fasting as according to indication.

Gives nourishing liquid food ( nutrient) and electrolyte immediately if patient had its(the tolerance can passed oral air mechanism.
Entangles patient family at digestion eats this as according to indication.
observation of Marking hipoglikemia like change of level of awareness, skin lembab/dingin, pulse quickly, peckish, excitability, worries, headache.
Kolaborasi does inspection of blood sugar.
Kolaborasi therapy giving of insulin.
Kolaborasi craftily diet.

2. Insuffiency of dilution volume relates to diuresis osmotik.
Purpose : requirement of dilution or hydration of patient fufilled
Result Criterion :
Patient shows hydration which adekuat proved by stable vital sign, nadi perifer can be groped, skin turgor and admission filling of good capillary, haluaran acurate urine individually and electrolyte rate in normal boundary.
Intervention :
Vital marking watcher, log existence of change of ortostatic TD
Breath pattern watcher like existence of exhalation kusmaul
Frequency study and quality of exhalation, usage of muscle assists breath
Study nadi perifer, capillary admission filling, skin turgor and mucosa membrane
Input watcher and expenditure
Maintains to give [at] least dilution 2500 ml/hari in boundary which can be tolerance heart
Things log like nausea, puking and distensi [by] stomach.
Observation existence of increasing fatigue, oedema, improvement BB, nadi is not regular
Kolaborasi : gives normal dilution therapy copied with or without dextrosa, inspection watcher of laboratory ( Ht, BUN, Sodium, K)

3. Skin integrity trouble relates to change of status metabolik ( neurophathy perifer).
Purpose : skin integrity trouble can decrease or shows healing.
Result Criterion :
Condition of hurt shows existence of repair of network and is not infection
Intervention :
Hurt study, existence of epitelisation, discoloration, oedema, and discharge, frequency changes wraping.
Vital sign study
Study existence of pain in bone
Does treatment of hurt
Kolaborasi giving of insulin and medikasi.
Kolaborasi antibiotic giving according to indication.

4. Risk happened injury to relate to degradation function of eyesight
Purpose : patient doesn't experience injury
Result Criterion : patient can fulfill its(the requirement without experiencing injury
Intervention :
Obviates slippery floor.
Applies bed which low.
Orientates client with room.
Assists client in doing everyday activity
Assists ambulation impatient or position change

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009



Family Health History
Is there any family suffering from like client ?

Health History of Patient and Therapy Before all
How long client suffers Deutschmark, how its(the handling, gets type insulin therapy is, how to take medicine it is regular or not, any kind of done by client to overcome its(the disease.

Activity / rest :
Worn-out, Light, Difficult To Make a move / runs, muscle cramps, muscle tone declines.

Is there any history hipertensi,AMI, klaudikasi, flaps, ant at ekstremity, ulkus at curative foot/feet of stripper, takikardi, blood pressure change

Ego Integrity
Stress, anxiety

Change of pattern to ( polyuria, nokturia, anuria ), diarrhoea

Food / Dilution
Anorexia, puking nausea, doesn't follow diet, degradation of body weight, thirst, diuretic usage.

Confused, headache, ant, flaps weakness at muscle, parestesia,gangguan eyesight.

Pain In Bone / Comfort
Strained abdomen, pain in bone ( medium / weight)

Coughs dengan/tanpa purulent sputum ( gangway existence of infection / no)

Security and safety
Dry skin, itchy, ulkus skin.


1. High risk of nutrition trouble : less than requirement

2. Insuffiency of dilution volume

3. Skin integrity trouble

4. Risk happened injury

Minggu, 04 Januari 2009



Sigh of diabetes patient like polyuria, polydipsia, polifagia at diabetes generally not exist. On the contrary often bothers patient is sigh as result of degenerative komplikasi of kronik at vein and nerve. At diabetes elderly there is change of patofisiologi as result of stripper process, so that image of the klinis varies from case without symptom until case with komplikasi which wide. Sigh that is often emerges is existence of eyesight trouble because cataract, ant taste at feet and muscle weakness ( neurophathy perifer) and hurt at tungkai which is difficult recovered with inveterate therapy.

According To Supartondo, symptoms as result of diabetes at the age of continuation often is found is :

1. Cataract

2. Glaucoma

3. Retinopati

4. Itchy from head to foot

5. Pruritus Vulvae

6. infection of Skin bacterium

7. infection of Mushroom in skin

8. Dermatopati

9. Neurophathy perifer

10. Neurophathy viseral

11. Amiotropi

12. Ulkus Neurotropik

13. Kidney ailment

14. Vein disease perifer

15. Coroner disease

16. Brain vein disease

17. Hypertension

Osmotik diuresis as result of glucosuria delays caused [by] high renal threshold, and can emerge sigh of nokturia is accompanied [by] sleep trouble, or even urinary incontinence. Thirsty feeling at diabetes patient elderly unable to be felt, as a result they don't react adekuat to dehydration. In consequence not happened polydipsia or has just happened at continuation stadium.

Ordinary just medium and light first thing disease there is at alterable old age diabetes patient sudden, if patient experience infection of acute. Insulin deficiencies that is at first had the character of relative now becomes is absolute and arises situation of ketoacidosis with symptom typical of hyperventilation and dehydration, awareness declines with hiperglikemia, dehydration and cetonemia. Symptom that is usualy happened at hipoglikemia like peckish taste, evaporates and sweaty many generally there is no at old age diabetes. Usually seems to manifestasi as sudden headache and confusion.

At the age of continuation reacted is vegetative can disappear. While confusion symptom and comma which is metabolism trouble of serebral seen clearer.

Purpose of main of diabetes mellitus therapy is try normal of insulin activity and blood glucose rate in the effort to lessen vascular komplikasi and neurophathy. Purpose of therapeutic in each type diabetes is reach normal blood glucose rate.

There is 5 component in managery diabetes :

1. Diet

2. Practice

3. Watcher

4. Therapy ( if it is required)

5. Education

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009



1. Diabetes type I:

a.Genetic factor

Patient diabetes doesn't inherit diabetes type I itself; but inheriting a predisposisi or genetic tendency towards the happening of type I Diabetes Mellitus. This genetic tendency found at individual having antigen type HLA.

b.Immunology factors

Existence of response otoimun which is abnormal response where directional antibody to normal network of body by the way of responding to the network assumed impressing as foreign network. That is otoantibodi to island cells Langerhans and insulin endogen.

c.Environmental factor

Viral or certain toxin can trigger process otoimun generating destruksi selbeta.

2.Diabetes Type II

Correct mechanism causing insulin resistance and secretion trouble of insulin at diabetes type II still have not been known. Genetic factor plays a part in process of the happening of insulin resistance.
Risk factors :

a.Age ( insulin resistance tends to increase at the age of above 65 thoriums)


c.Family history

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009



Diabetes Melllitus is a gathering of symptom arising at someone who caused by caused by improvement of sugar rate ( glucose) blood as result of lacking of insulin either relative and also absolute ( Arjatmo, 2002).

Diabetes mellitus is a group of disparity of heterogene marked by increase of glucose rate in blood or hiperglikemia. ( Brunner and Suddarth, 2002).


Classification of Diabetes mellitus as follows :

1. Type I : Diabetes mellitus depends on insulin ( IDDM)

2. Type II : Diabetes mellitus doesn't depend on insulin ( NIDDM)

3. Diabetes mellitus relating to other situation or syndrome

4. Diabetes mellitus gestasional ( GDM)